Everyone is a firefighter and a brave person in Huatong
2023/05/23 Browse:1059times

In order to comprehensively implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, strengthen fire emergency safety management, establish a sound safety system within the group, and implement the fire policy of “safety first, prevention-oriented, and combining prevention with firefighting,” the Communist Party Committee of Huatong Automotive Investment (Group) Co., Ltd., in collaboration with the Quality and Safety Department and the Human Resources Department of Huatong Group, conducted a themed fire drill with the slogan “Everyone is a Firefighter, Be a Brave Warrior of Huatong”. They also invited the dedicated fire rescue station of the Auto Parts City and Deputy Captain Wang Sili of the Fire Brigade to conduct fire safety knowledge training, implementing the concept of “everyone talks about safety and is capable of emergency response,” enhancing employees’ awareness of fire safety, and improving their evacuation and escape skills.


At 9 am on May 20, Huatong Group employees quickly and orderly evacuated from the office area upon hearing the fire alarm signal, with all staff members reaching the designated emergency assembly point within 3 minutes. Following that, Captain Wang conducted fire safety knowledge training, leading everyone to learn how to use fire extinguishers and fire hydrants. Detailed explanations were also given regarding the fire truck’s requirements, functions, and working principles. In addition, Captain Wang provided detailed answers to the employees’ questions and real-life cases regarding safety hazards, promoting general knowledge about fire accident prevention and fire evacuation.


  Fires are unforgiving, and life is priceless. Through this fire emergency drill, not only did it enhance employees’ awareness of fire safety and self-protection abilities, but it also laid a solid foundation for the future implementation of fire safety work within the company.

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